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Introducing New Tag Removal Proteases!!

Introducing New Tag Removal Proteases!!

Affinity tags are highly effective tools used for the expression and purification of recombinant proteins. However, these tags are not meant to be permanent fixtures on their respective recombinant proteins. Therefore, removal of an affinity tag is essential for further structural and functional studies of a specific protein.

  • PreScission Protease (HRV 3C Protease) (Ready to use)
  • Recombinant SUMO Protease (ULP1) (Ready to use)
  • TEV Protease (Ready to use)

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7270 Trade Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92121, USA

(858) 215-4510, (858) 374-6010


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VisitAurora Biolabs

7270 Trade Street, Suite 103
San Diego, CA 92121, USA

(858) 215-4510, (858) 374-6010